In April 2021, a dog named Buddy was horribly burned after being set on fire by a child. Found with his face scorched and an extension cord around his neck, Buddy was rushed to the Tunica Humane Society and received treatment from Mississippi State University’s veterinary team. Despite his injuries, Buddy began a slow but hopeful recovery.
Though Buddy’s burns were severe, he didn’t lose his eyesight, and doctors were optimistic about his vision. He showed great progress with skin grafts and bandages, maintaining a positive spirit throughout his treatment. As time passed, Buddy’s health improved, and by August 7, he reached a major milestone: the bandages around his eyes were removed, revealing he could still see.
Buddy’s personality began to shine as he became more playful, even enjoying games of fetch. Though his recovery continues and he will need special care, including eye drops and sun protection, Buddy’s progress is a miraculous story of resilience and hope.
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