Linda, my mother-in-law, always treated my eldest daughter, Tessa, poorly, simply because she wasn’t her son Grant’s biological child. For years, I tried to ignore it, but things escalated when my mother passed away. Linda offered to watch the girls, and against my better judgment, I agreed.
When we returned, I found Tessa curled up in the cold basement, crying after Linda told her she wasn’t welcome. She said Linda had told her to sleep there and left her out of dinner, favoring Sadie instead. I was furious but knew I had to make Linda feel the consequences of her actions.
I pretended everything was fine and helped Linda plan her annual family reunion. During the event, I showed a slideshow of family moments, but I included footage of Tessa in the basement. The room’s reaction was immediate, with whispers and shock spreading. Linda tried to explain, but her reputation was ruined.
Since then, she hasn’t spoken to me, and honestly, I’m fine with that. Tessa will never be treated that way again.
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