8 things that happen to your body if you let your dog sleep in bed

To let your dog sleep in your bed or not? Many dog owners have differing views, but research shows that there are benefits to sharing your bed with your pet. A study from the Mayo Clinic found that 56% of participants slept with a pet, and 41% reported better sleep.

Here are eight reasons why sleeping with your dog might be better for you:

  1. Comforting: Having your dog nearby can improve your mood before bed.
  2. Helps You Fall Asleep: Dogs reduce stress, making it easier to drift off.
  3. Reduces Stress: Dogs have a calming effect, especially for those who’ve experienced trauma.
  4. Provides Warmth: Dogs offer extra warmth, especially in winter.
  5. Reduces Depression: Their unconditional love can help lift spirits.
  6. Safe Space: Dogs provide a sense of security at night.
  7. Beneficial for Your Dog: Your dog enjoys the comfort of being near you.
  8. Good for Your Brain: Sleeping with your dog increases oxytocin levels, improving mood and mental health.

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